We hope all the fathers out there had a wonderful and memorable Father’s Day. We are blessed to have such wonderful dads in our lives and we should show our appreciation every day, but especially on Father’s Day!
We are getting ready for a very busy VBS at Christ the King next week; this week is our prep week, so we would greatly appreciate any help we can get from our members! Please see our calendar for meeting and set up dates for this year’s VBS!
Registration is still open for VBS “Tell it on the Mountain”! You can download the forms online and send them in or drop them off at our office! Please register in advance so we make sure we have all the supplies, crafts and TREATS we will need for the week!
Preschool registration is still open as well! Our spots are filling up VERY quickly! If you are considering a faith based preschool for your child, please complete the registration forms and get them turned in as soon as possible. We have spots open in all of our programs (3 year olds, 4/5 year olds and our NEW 2 1/2 year old program). If you know of anyone who would be interested in our programs, please let them know how to register and encourage them to do so soon!
Check out our website for this week’s events at www.christthekingaltoona.com!
May you all have a blessed, Christ inspired week!!
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