Wow! Don’t let anyone ever tell you that winter is a slow time for churches! CTK is very busy planning for the new year and all the events in 2014!! We have a Faith Fest Planning meeting, for last year’s event committee and anyone interested in helping this year, on February 4 at 630PM. We are also ramping up our focus on the Visioning process, so keep your eyes and ears out for further information on our vision!! LIFETOUCH will be coming in February to take photos for our new pictorial directory! Please be sure to sign up at church for your photo time, they are filling up fast! Children of Christ preschool is preparing for registrations for the 2014/2015 school year. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the church office at 967-3349 for more information and look at our preschool pages on our website! Board of Education will be having a meeting on February 11 at 630PM. And our very first advertisement of the year is currently running in the January edition of Altoona Living. This year CTK will have an advertisement in each issue of Altoona Living and four times throughout the year, we will also be printing a short article! We are very excited to have such an awesome opportunity to connect with our community! Below is link to January’s advertisement!
We hope that everyone has a wonderful week and feels God’s blessings upon them each and every day!
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